Contagion, good as it is, isnt really going to help us at a time like this. I fell in love with this intriguing take right away. Sacred contagion, the belief that spiritual properties pass from one entity to another. The screenplay for contagion was written by american screenwriter scott z. Contagion is a 2011 american thriller film directed by steven soderbergh. She published the bestselling book the coming plague. Laurie garrett is an author and health expert who consulted on the film contagion.
Mar 17, 2020 and yet many are rewatching director steven soderberghs 2011 film contagion available on amazon prime video which chronicles a fictional outbreak of a novel virus and its global implications. Jargon pops up in seemingly organic and very necessary moments. No, but the director of the film worked hard to make the plot as realistic as possible, in terms of how accurate the. Instead, it is more of an extended essay on the evils of forprofit hospitals and corporations that spend on advertising and worry about the bottom line rather than spending money to improve care. As the fastmoving epidemic grows, the worldwide medical community races to find a cure and control the. So no, contagion is not based on a true story, but theres a reason why the film has skyrocketed in popularity since the coronavirus outbreak began it feels very similar. While the upcoming film contagion features a fictional speciesjumping virus that spreads illness and death around the world, experts say this very scenario could someday be nonfiction.
In the contagion movie, the virus, which hit the u. Aug 23, 2011 speaking of which, im looking forward to the new movie contagion, which is based on robin cooks book wait for it contagion. First of all, ive seen a few places around the net where people are asking if this is based on the book contagion by robin cook. Uc san diego professor uses contagion film to teach. Apart from contagion, here are 15 movies on outbreaks and.
The film stars will smith as us army virologist robert neville. The film opens on a quiet black screen punctured by a single sound. This film by steven soderbergh is skillful at telling the story through the lives of several key characters and the casual interactions of many others. So i started this book with the vague idea that the movie contagion was based on the book. If there is a book like the movie i would really love to read it. Mar 19, 2020 i am legend is a 2007 actionthriller based on a 1954 book of the same name. Inspired by the 2009 h1n1 swine flu pandemic, burns consulted with medical experts from the. Contagion is, of course, based on the inverse being true and by shooting both catastrophe and miracle in the same way, it reminds us that the two share much of their dna. The resurgence of pandemicthemed books and movies amid. Where did dr orantes go after she learned the vaccines were placebos. Law, in the production notes for the film, described his character as the index patient for what becomes a parallel epidemic of fear and panic based on mistrust of news media, the government. Contagion by erin bowman is an audible book i picked up from the library. Laurie garrett also served as a consultant on the film because she wrote the 1994 book.
Steven soderberghs 2011 film contagion was so accurate in depicting a pandemic that uc san diego professor joel wertheim uses it to teach. Pictures canada built two giant petri dishes treated with bacteria and fungi and set them in a toronto storefront window. Over several days, the bacteria and fungi specimens grew to spell out the name of the film and form biohazard symbols. The film shows how quickly such a contagion could spread in the jet age. The story is set in new york city after a virus, which was originally created to cure cancer, has wiped out most of. Facts behind the fiction this program is presented by the centers for disease control and prevention. Contagion is a boring medical thriller with an awesome cast. Just as the film contagion has found a second life with news of the coronavirus outbreak, so too are novels about epidemics popping up on reading lists around the country. Honestly i found no connection between the two at all. While the movie contagion is a fictional account of an outbreak of a dangerous infectious disease occurring globally, the reallife stories of cdcs epidemic intelligence service are just as exciting as the one on the screen. The plot concerns the spread of a virus transmitted by fomites, attempts by medical researchers and public health. Jul, 2011 contagion follows the rapid progress of a lethal airborne virus that kills within days. Ap none of these viruses harm the bats themselves, serving as a defense mechanism to ward off predators. Ive had this kicking about for a while, and then saw the trailers for the film contagion.
How makers of 2011 film contagion foresaw covid19 coronavirus. Mar 11, 2020 contagion, good as it is, isnt really going to help us at a time like this. In the midst of the coronavirus panic, the 2011 movie contagion became one of the mostwatched movies online. The virus in the movie, like with the coronavirus, started in. The cdc awards vaccinations by lottery based on birthdates. Rather than a 75 percent mortality rate, the movie assumes a 25 percent rate, but that is still appallingly high. Mar 21, 2020 laurie garrett is an author and health expert who consulted on the film contagion. How the movie contagion predicted the 2020 coronavirus crisis.
Heres a look at the main themes of the movie and how they are becoming a reality in 2020. Mar 11, 2020 how the movie contagion laid the blueprint for the coronavirus outbreak. From contagion to i am legend, these films about viruses. Was the movie contagion based off a book or inspired by a. It makes it clear that people do not give one another a virus. Contagion the movie isnt helpful right now commentary. Ive even spotted a few places where people are warning others away from the film, because its so totally nothing like the book they should just go read it instead of bothering with the flick. Funny how contagion predicted how the world would react to a. So much so that it has become warner bros second mostwatched film.
The new kate winslet film, contagion, is a boost for academics striving to understand how diseases spread. How the movie contagion predicted the 2020 coronavirus. Mar 14, 2020 is contagion the movie based on real events. The boxoffice hit contagion, a movie about a lethal airborne virus that kills within days, is still a top dramatic draw going into. Contagion is a pg film, which makes it all the more shocking.
The whole film seems too slow and the thrilling part wasnt so thrilling. Oct 22, 2011 the new kate winslet film, contagion, is a boost for academics striving to understand how diseases spread published. Newly emerging diseases in a world out of balance in 1994. I dont know if anyone involved in contagion read my book, but bunnings final chilling comment summarizes the basic premise of the film. The new kate winslet film, contagion, is a boost for academics striving to understand how diseases spread published. Was the movie contagion based off a book or inspired by a book. And yet many are rewatching director steven soderberghs 2011 film contagion available on amazon prime video which chronicles a fictional outbreak of a novel virus and its global implications. Koontzs book is 40 years old, while contagion ranked 270th in views as of the end of 2019. Sep 06, 2011 while the upcoming film contagion features a fictional speciesjumping virus that spreads illness and death around the world, experts say this very scenario could someday be nonfiction.
This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title contagion. The story is set in new york city after a virus, which was originally created to cure cancer, has wiped out most of mankind, leaving neville as the last human in new york. There is no such conspiracy, but krumwiede is determined to convince every single person he can that there is one, and hell use any medium that will give him a soapbox to stand on. I like a good mystery mixed with my science fiction, throw in a deadly unknown killing factor, people who may not be what or who they say they are, crooked business or governments, and lots of suspense and that is my. The screenplay for contagion was written by american. Contagion, by robin cook, is not yet another disease apocalypse novel. I sure hope they dont mess it up, but since it has been at least 15 years since i read the book. The story started good way but after that contagion started to go down and contagion is a boring medical thriller with an awesome. Look up contagion or contagious in wiktionary, the free dictionary. Contagion and other movies that predicted an outbreak.
The virus in contagion is a baffling one, defying isolation, rejecting cure. Emotional moments are used selectively, grounding the film. Oct 20, 2011 the new kate winslet film, contagion, is a boost for academics striving to understand how diseases spread. Contagion film is not far from the truth, warns virus. I am legend is a 2007 actionthriller based on a 1954 book of the same name. Healthcare professionals, government officials and everyday people find themselves in the midst of a pandemic as the cdc works to find a cure. A pandemic movie as predictive programming lewrockwell. How the movie contagion laid the blueprint for the.
It isnt the film story, but i carried on reading it. Her 1995 book helped burns consider a variety of potential plots for the film. Its ensemble cast includes marion cotillard, bryan cranston, matt damon, laurence fishburne, jude law, gwyneth paltrow, kate winslet, and jennifer ehle. Speaking of which, im looking forward to the new movie contagion, which is based on robin cooks book wait for it contagion. The premise is that the mev1 virus is spread persontoperson via airborne droplets produced by sneezes or coughs, as well as by viruses deposited on. Burns wrote the screenplay for the 2011 movie contagion, which is in a moment of renewed popularity and which in numerous ways anticipated both the source and crushing effects of a. Find all the books, read about the author, and more.
The virus in the movie, like with the coronavirus, started in the far east the city of hong kong. Financial contagion, a scenario in which financial shocks spread to other financial sectors. Given the subject matter, its surprising how contagion doesnt unfold like a hospitalbased tv drama. The site vigilant citizen wrote a prescient article published on march 8 th, 2012, when the film was released and the author discussed the potential motives of the creators and its implicit messages in an article contagion. It makes it clear that people do not give one another a. Sep 12, 2011 the virus that is the focus of contagion is even worse. Its based on the real life nipah virus which originates in fruit bats and is highly deadly, killing almost 50 percent of victims which. Oscars best picture winners best picture winners golden globes emmys san diego comiccon new york comiccon sundance film festival.
Emotional moments are used selectively, grounding the film in humanity without becoming maudlin or manipulative. Its ensemble cast includes marion cotillard, matt damon, laurence fishburne, jude law, gwyneth paltrow, kate winslet, bryan cranston, jennifer ehle, and sanaa lathan. Amid fears stoked by the coronavirus, contagion a 2011 movie about a pandemic with potentially eerie similarities to recent events has been climbing up the itunes rental charts, reflecting. With matt damon, kate winslet, jude law, gwyneth paltrow. The film did a really solid job showing how scientists identified, and eventually, contained the disease. Contagion follows the rapid progress of a lethal airborne virus that kills within days. Contagion writer scott burns on the coronavirus and. Coronavirus fears sparks sales for contagion film, dean koontz. I was expecting the book to be better than the movie of course. A streaming hit, contagion has been heralded as prophetic, but really its just wellresearched.
In early versions of the film script, the bug was going to be related to the flu. Jan 30, 2020 amid fears stoked by the coronavirus, contagion a 2011 movie about a pandemic with potentially eerie similarities to recent events has been climbing up the itunes rental charts, reflecting. Neither is outbreak, or, god forbid, chernobyl, in which clueless leaders take a headinthesand approach to a much larger problem than the one were dealing with now, with horrific consequences. As of march 31, the movie ranked 11th among the top rented movies on.
R 0 refers to the average number of people infected by one sick person, and the r 0 in contagion climbs as the film progresses. Fans of the 2011 movie contagion have pointed out the film s eerie parallels with the ongoing deadly outbreak of coronavirus in the thriller staring matt damon and gwyneth paltrow, a fastmoving. The 20 best pandemic books to read during coronavirus. The virus that is the focus of contagion is even worse. Scientists who specialise in epidemics helped develop the plot of 2011 film contagion, starring matt damon and gwyneth paltrow, edit the. Contagion and other movies that predicted an outbreak like. The boxoffice hit contagion, a movie about a lethal airborne virus that kills within days, is. How the movie contagion laid the blueprint for the coronavirus outbreak. Factchecking contagion, the movie about a global virus. It could have been an amazing thriller film but i found no life in the story. I might not remember the details if theyve gone wildly astray. Sep 11, 2011 first of all, ive seen a few places around the net where people are asking if this is based on the book contagion by robin cook. It is not shown in the film, but many viewers suspect that she ran off to call sun feng chin han or to otherwise attempt to get into contact with him so that she could warn him that the.
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